Our ultrasound did not go very well today. The pregnancy is progressing and they were able to see a fetal pole with cardiac activity. There is no way that the shot will work when it is this advanced. I will have surgery today at 5pm EST. My local Dr. will be doing the surgery which I am very happy about as she has a great reputation in the community, I trust her, and she did an awesome job when she removed my endometriosis back in 2008. There is no way that she will know if she can save my right tube until she is in there and even with saving it there are risks of scarring which can lead to a future risk of ectopic.
At least I knew my body well enough to pick up on the fact that the pregnancy wasn't ending. I was able to get blood drawn and an ultrasound done a day before the typical repeat HCG. It very well could have saved me from a ruptured tube. This is my one consolation.
So sorry to hear about this. I have been following your story and I am completely heart broken for you. Thinking about you today. Good Luck!
I am so sorry to hear about all of this. I really hope the surgery goes smoothly for you. This is just the worst luck :(
I will be praying and praying. I'm so sorry dear. I hope all goes well.
Praying for you today as you head into surgery :(
I'm so sorry. How wonderful about you knowing your body. Though it seems like small consolation considering. I pray that your surgery leaves you with two tubes. I'm so sorry, I really don't even know what to say and just feel like a blabbering idiot saying nothing of real meaning here. So so SO sorry, Mrs. Hammer.
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