Thursday, February 19, 2009

Detour: Taking the Scenic Route

Ok, so you all know I am currently on my first trip of many for work. Hammer is back at the homestead and happened to have his first Chiropractic appointment. While at this appointment, Dr. Troy, gave him the low down on our treatment plan.

According to Dr. Troy I will need about 8 weeks to 'correct' the issues in my spine and that the actual fertility benefits would not occur until after that point. Then from there I would have about 18 weeks of maintenance treatments.

So how does this effect our IVF plan? Well I had originally agreed to give chiropractics two months prior to beginning BCP for IVF. Those 8 weeks of 'corrections' takes up those two months I agreed to. So Hammer has asked for me to give it a bit more time. Here is where compromising comes into play (Good thing I just took a course in negotiations!):

1. We go ahead with the chiropractics treatment plan - it might be good to do regardless
2. Hammer has his SA with strict morphology
- if results are bad and require ICSI we proceed with IVF as planned
- if results are good we continue with Chiropractics pending...
3. I have my FSH tested
- If results are bad and my ovaries are poopy we proceed with IVF as planned
- If results are good we continue with Chiropractics.

So basically if one of us has bad results IVF is a go in April and we still continue getting Chiropractic treatments. If both of us have good results from our testing then we delay IVF to allow for 8 weeks of 'corrective' treatments and try naturally for three cycles after that. Of course if nothing happens then we go onto IVF. This would push the IVF time line from starting around April 23rd to starting around July 13th.

I feel like we came to a good compromise. We are basing it on results of testing and not just stopping the IVF train. However, I do worry that this will end up being like our 6 months of trying post surgery which was unsuccessful (obviously). Honestly, I'm not happy about this and I think my preconceived notion about chiropractors is not helping my attitude. Not only that, I thought that we on the right path and following God's leading. Now Hammer is feeling lead to do Chiropractics and I'm completely uneasy about the whole thing. Meanwhile I'm trying to reconcile this with where I feel/felt God was taking us. I suppose if this works I will be glad that it all happened naturally but what I'm really worried about is if it doesn't and we delayed IVF for nothing. I don't want another year to go by without being pregnant and facing 31 still infertile is something I would rather avoid.

On a good note - I spoke with a couple that we are good friends with about our consultation appointment with Dr. Troy and his asking us if we had been prayed over. The wife ended up calling me the next day because she felt like God was telling her to ask us if they could pray for us. I almost cried because I was so touched at her offer, they are such awesome friends. While we have been prayed over I'm certainly not going to turn down an offer and especially when it comes with a tugging from the Holy Spirit. So I'm also going to ask for prayer over my attitude and that God will give us guidance.

And, that I need a miracle...

Therefore I'm officially changing my blog name to something more positive and meaningful to me and this whole situation: Expect Miracles.


Anonymous said...

I can totally understand not feeling happy about the change in plans, but it sounds like you and your DH did come to an excellent compromise. I said a prayer for your miracle, too! :)
Can you explain how the chiropractics can help fertility in a future post?

Shannon said...

It sounds like you and DH made a great decision- its well thought out and its a great compromise.

I love that your friends are praying for you and I love even more that you have named specific areas that you want them to pray about. I will pray for those areas for you, too. I have a prayer journal and you have been in it for a long time :)

Meant to be a mom said...

You definitely have my prayers. I pray for my fellow bloggers often.
The whole chiropractic thing sounds interesting and I've heard allot of positive things about it helping out with infertility issues. I wish you the best of luck.
I can feel it, your time is coming. With all these prayers its bound to happen. :)

Hoping for our own Peanut said...

sounds like a really good plan! keep us updated!