Today's u/s left us confused and with a big decision. We now have a lead follicle and 4-5 smaller ones just shy of 18mm (between 14-17). A bunch of little ones popped up but there is no way they will be ready in time ~7-8mm. With the lead follicle we can't keep stimming to get the smaller ones because it will launch on it's own ruining a retrieval. My RE said we'd be lucky to get 5 mature eggs. We're all scratching our heads at what could have happened to cause this. The good news is that my lining is now up to 11.5mm and my E2 is at 1592 which is the highest it's ever been.
Hammer was not willing to consider a 4th full IVF and so now that it's 4-5 vs 7-8 possible mature follicles I'm ok with IUI. With our past history of 5 failed IUI's with 3 mature follicle's our RE is not concerned about us ending up with a litter babies and our own reality TV show. Neither are we. So instead of getting all drugged up on Thursday for a retrieval we'll be doing the quick wham-bam,-thank-you-ma'm IUI. And to be honest with you I'm at peace with this decision.
I'm sorry this cycle didn't go the way it should have, but I'm glad to hear you're at peace with your decision. I'm wishing you the very best of luck!!!
I'm so glad you're going with the IUI. After your last post, I wanted to say that I thought you should so you wouldn't end up regretting not doing everything you could for your last IVF, but didn't feel like I was in a place to give advice. I've been thinking so much about you recently and am sending you prayers that maybe this IUI can work for you.
If, however, it doesn't, I just wanted to let you know that I have a few friends who have had great experiences at RGI (I'm assuming you're at ORM since that's where most people start out around here). You have my email if you want any contact info.
I wish it all worked out the way you wanted, but I'm glad you're at peace with your decision. Still praying for you! And, if you get a whole group of litter babies, I would totally watch your show :-)
Good for you. You made the best decision for you, given the circumstances. Personally I'd have done the same thing (we actually went ahead with an IUI with 12 mature follies - we ARE crazy I know)!
Wishing you loads of good luck!!! Please let this work! FX!!!!
I'm sorry this didn't go the way you wanted, but it sounds like a good thing to change it to an IUI. I would have done the same thing! I'll be thinking of you. Good luck!
I'm so glad that God has answered our prayers and led you to find peace with a decision. Now we'll keep praying that He blesses you with a pregnancy!!
I think the conversion to IUI is a great plan. It will give you another IVF shot...and if your RE is not willing to change your protocol to try for different results...then I would seriously consider another RE. BUT...even with that said...I'm going to be sending some crazy baby dust your way that the IUI is a great success!!!! I really hope the three months of added vitimins helped out DH and his swimmers and this is the end for you on is time for the having to begin!
Sorry your follicles are not co-operating. But at least you have the option of IUI and then you can still do IVF later should you need it, but I'm praying you won't need it!
Im sorry it didnt work out how you'd like but I am praying like crazy this IUI is the one for you!
Thinking of you today. I have a feeling, a really good feeling about this. Come on hammer sperm, make those eggs into babies! (That was kinda graphic!) :)
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