Monday, August 1, 2011

Fast Track

Well our retrieval has been pushed up to Thursday but more so because I have a few lead follicles sitting around 18 (x2) a 16 and 15 (x2) as well as a few 12's and several smaller ones that will likely not be mature in time. So while my E2 was better it seems I stimmed too fast in the first few days to allow for recruitment of more follicles. My lining was at 7.5 after just 6 days of meds so I hope that it will catch up as well. I was hoping that maybe I would have a better showing on this protocol but it seems that I will always get the same amount no matter what so our prayer is that these are healthier. We'll know more in a just a few days time. Trigger is set for tomorrow at 8:30 pm


Erin said...

I am still learning all the TTC lingo, but despite not understanding everything, I am praying for you and wish y'all the best of luck!


BB said...

Toes & Fingers crossed for your Miracle(s).

kdactyl said...

This is good...this is good....I only had 8 (at 40 years old) and it toook a long time to stim them (but we got a baby) I think this non-lupron cycle for you is good....I think the numbers are great (6 good looking leaders with a few followers)...sometimes they can let those followers mature in the lab for a day or two and then fertilize make sure you ask about that. I still have high hopes...I will keep them high for you all the way through. Hang in there...don't be discouraged...I know people who have successful cycles with just 2 or you are doing great!