This is a big day for the "Ham"bryos. If all is continuing to go well they should be hatching out of their shells and beginning implantation. We hope to have made this a bit easier for them by having done assisted hatching prior to the transfer. I've been having mild cramping on and off today and yesterday but this is pretty much par for the course as far as IVF cycles go. I think it must be the progesterone since this is the third time that the cramping has occurred and we have had BFN & BFP. So now I'm on 'twinge watch' to see if I can feel any twinges of implantation. I think I do but maybe I just want to feel it.
Right now I have indulged myself and have taken off the entire week since Thursday we are heading down to FL for vacation. Normally I'd be at work but I have to say this is much better. Yesterday, since I was feeling crampy in the morning, I continued to take it easy. Later that night, Hammer and I went to a concert. I was a bit concerned when I was there because the bass was so loud that there was massive vibration coming through the seat and into my pelvic region. I began to worry that I was literally shaking our babies to death but I have no idea if that's possible or not. Regardless I ended up kneeling on the cement during the opening band. I think the people around me thought I was crazy - they would be right. Once the headliner came out everyone was on their feet so no kneeling was needed and the bass was not nearly as bad.
Today I'm occupying my time with packing and wrapping up a few things before we take off tomorrow. I sure hope that this trip is an excellent distraction from all things 2ww related. I found that sitting at my desk at work only ended up in me pretending to work while I put myself through all the mental contortions of "Am I/Am I not" and sought Dr. Google hourly for confirmation. Maybe forced internet absence will be a good thing. Don't worry, it's not total absence. I promise to keep you all posted.
Getting so close to beta day! Are you going to test at home?
Keeping my fingers crossed! I think a vacation is a great idea. The 2ww is enough to drive anyone crazy!!!
Praying for you and those embryos....hang in there sweetie! So glad you are taking a vacation!
Getting closer!! Praying Both Little ones are attaching, and growing strong:)
ENJOY that vacation! Cant wait to hear some good news from you!
You're PUPO! Have a wonderful trip.
Relex and have a good vacation :-)Yes and I would love updates.
Haha! I went to a concert on the day I conceived in September, and I was worried about the same thing. I thought the vibrations might disrupt the DNA replication process or something. So far so good though — no need to worry. :) Enjoy a few days away from Dr. Google!
"Ham" bryos is such a cute name for your babies:) Thinking of all of you and praying for you! Hope you have a wonderful, relaxing vacation. I look forward to your next post! ((HUGS))
Long time stalker of your blog... I just wanted to let you know that I am thinking of you and your husband. We went through IVF ourselves. You have an amazing spirit! Best wishes, Rachael
Long time stalker of your blog... I just wanted to let you know that I am thinking of you and your husband. We went through IVF ourselves. You have an amazing spirit! Best wishes, Rachael
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